Measurand’s SAARecorder allows you to view data from a ShapeArray in near real time. As each reading is taken from the ShapeArray, a three dimensional model of the instrument is updated and displayed. ShapeArray data can be saved and exported into multiple formats while the ShapeArray is being viewed in SAARecorder. Readings from the ShapeArray can also be saved into Raw ShapeArray (.RSA) data files for playback in SAARecorder at a later time. The raw data in these files also provide useful diagnostic information about the ShapeArray at the time of the recording. To save raw data files with SAARecorder, the ShapeArray must be connected to a computer as described in the following articles.

Once the ShapeArray has been connected to the computer with SAARecorder started, there are three ways to save Raw ShapeArray (.RSA) data files.

In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the SAARecorder application is launched by clicking the Manual Data Collection button.

Figure 1: Launch SAARecorder from SAASuite by clicking the Manual Data Collection button

Option 1 – Save a Single Reading

You can save a raw ShapeArray (.RSA) data file containing a single reading from the ShapeArray using the Quick Save button. This button must first be enabled from the File menu by selecting the Quick save button option. Once this option is selected, a large green RECORD DATA button will be visible in the bottom left corner of the window, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2: The File menu in SAARecorder with the Quick Save button enabled

When you click the green RECORD DATA button, a single reading from the ShapeArray will be recorded and you will be prompted for a folder path and filename for saving the file, as shown in the figure below. The Browse button can be used to select the folder in which the file will be saved. Click the OK button to save the raw data file.

Figure 3: The prompt for the folder path and filename for the raw data file in SAARecorder

Option 2 – Save Multiple Sequential Readings

Multiple sequential readings can be saved in a ShapeArray raw data (.RSA) file with SAARecorder. You can start recording readings by hitting the keyboard’s spacebar or by selecting the Save raw data file option in the File menu.

NOTE: For multiple readings to be recorded in this manner, the Quick save button must be disabled. If there is a checkmark next to the Quick save button option in the File menu, click this option to disable it before trying to record multiple readings.

Figure 4: The File menu in SAARecorder with the Save raw data file option selected

Once started, readings from the ShapeArray will continue to be recorded until the stop button is clicked or the Recording dialog is closed.

Figure 5: The Recording dialog is displayed while samples are being saved

When the recording is stopped, you will be prompted for a folder path and filename for saving the file, as shown in Figure 2 above. The Browse button can be used to select the folder in which the file will be saved. Click the OK button to save the raw data file.

Option 3 – Save Raw Data at Specified Intervals

Raw data readings can also be saved at regular intervals while SAARecorder is running with a connected ShapeArray. This is configured by selecting the Auto-save raw data file(s) option from the File menu. In the Auto-Save Raw Data dialog, select the Auto-Record Raw Data Files checkbox and configure the following settings.

Figure 6: The Auto-Save Raw Data dialog in SAARecorder

  • Raw Data Recording Type: Configures whether raw data readings should be saved in a single file or in separate files
  • Folder to Store Raw Data Files: Specifies the path to the folder where the raw data will be saved
  • Raw Data Filename Prefix: Specifies a custom prefix that will be used in the raw data filenames
  • Raw Data Filename Suffix: Specifies whether the raw data filenames will consist of a date and time suffix or a numerically increasing three digit number (001, 002, 003, etc.)
  • Record new raw data every: Specifies the time interval between the recording of raw data readings in hours, minutes, and seconds
  • Stop saving raw data: Configures when the recording of raw data readings will end (when a new file is opened, after a specified number of readings, or after a specified amount of time)
  • Save Joint Positions and Data as Text: Saves a text snapshot or a text file with all readings converted to Cartesian values
  • Save Joint Positions in Atlas Format (once per sample interval): Saves a text file of joint positions in an Atlas compatible (Atlas_3) format
  • Stop sampling when not recording to raw data file: Configured SAARecorder to only provide power to the ShapeArray and take readings when raw data is being saved to a raw data file. This is designed to save power.

Click the OK button to save the settings and start recording data.