As with any converted ShapeArray™ data, converted SAAV Extend data will be produced in two specific formats from the Raw2Data program:

  • A multi_saa_allcart.mat file that can be opened and viewed in our ShapeArray™ Data Viewer software
  • DIY export data in the form of plaintext, comma delimited .DAT files with units selected for export during the Reset conversion

Converted output from SAAV Extend in configurable length applications is visualized exactly as normal vertical ShapeArray™ data. While very similar in process, there are a couple of unique differences in viewing data from SAAV Extend in dam lift applications. 

Viewing Dam Lift SAAV Extend Data in ShapeArray™ Data Viewer

To open Dam Lift SAAV Extend data in the ShapeArray™ Data Viewer, launch the software from SAASuite, click the Open Project button, and select the multi_saa_allcart.mat file in the project folder. This will open a preview of the unfiltered and filtered data.

Each set of data collected after a lift has been added to an SAAV Extend will appear as a separate entry in the listing of the arrays in the project. Data sets associated with an extended SAAV will be grouped together by the base array’s serial number. The base array will be listed at the top and each extension to the array will be listed listed beneath it in the order in which extensions were added. The orientation of the installation and number of segments of the array will be displayed after the base array’s serial number. Data from a lifted array will be identified with the number of extensions that have been added.

Figure 1. Data from the extended base array appears as a separate entry in the list

A detailed visualization of each data set can be opened by selecting one of the options in the array list and clicking the View Unfiltered or View Filtered buttons. If a lifted SAAV Extend data set is selected, the Lift Offset checkbox from the ADJUSTMENTS tab can be selected to apply an offset to the data equal to the displacement observed in data sets recorded before the lifted data set. 

Figure 2. The Lift Offset adjustment will apply the deformation measured by the base array and any previous lifts to the current set of data

Working with Dam Lift SAAV Extend DIY Export Data

The conversion process for dam lift SAAV Extend data will also produce DIY export data.  DIY export data comes in the form of plaintext, comma delimited .DAT files. These files will contain data based on the selections made in the Exports tab in Raw2Data after clicking the Export Settings button.

Figure 3. Export Settings control the contents of the DIY output file

NOTE: Measurand recommends selecting the Raw Filenames option in the DIY Output section of the Export Settings. By default, exported DIY output files will be named based on the serial number of the topmost segment of the ShapeArray™ instrument. As the topmost segment will change as extensions are added to the SAAV Extend, this serial number will also change. Selecting the Raw Filenames option will change the DIY output filenames to match the names of the raw data files, which, if the default naming scheme is maintained, will make it easier to identify the output data from each extension of the base instrument (e.g. SAA1_DATA for the base array, SAA1_DATA_EXTEND1 for the first extension, SAA1_DATA_EXTEND2 for the second extension, etc).

DIY output files will be created in the DIY subfolder in the project folder for each lifted set of data collected throughout the lifetime of the SAAV Extend. This means a file will exist for each set of raw data collected after each extension has been added to the base array. Each of these data sets are independent of the others. To track total displacement over the lifetime of the installation, Measurand recommends calculating the total displacement measured at the end of each separate data set and then applying those displacement values as offsets to each subsequent set.