Quite often there is a requirement to monitor changes in ShapeArray (SAA) data in near real-time, or to periodically check a ShapeArray from time-to-time to see if it has changed shape relative to some reference pose. This can be accomplished with Measurand's SAARecorder software.

In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the SAARecorder application is launched by clicking the Manual Data Collection button.

Figure 1: Launch SAARecorder from SAASuite by clicking the Manual Data Collection button

Step 1 - Get a Text File

Ensure that the ShapeArray is powered for a consistent length of time prior to taking any measurements. Save a reference shape for the ShapeArray by following the instruction in the Save text snapshot of ShapeArray data guide.

From the Data and Graphs menu, select the View Displacements Relative to Reference SAA Shape menu item.


Figure 2: The Data and Graphs menu in SAARecorder

In the Choose Text Reference Pose window, select the file that will be used as the reference ShapeArray shape. This would be the text file created at the beginning of step 1.


Figure 3: Selecting the reference pose file

Step 2 - View Relative Displacements

Relative ShapeArray displacements will appear in two windows (X and Y) if you are in 3D mode. In 2D mode, only one displacement window (Z) is opened. The bar charts shown in these windows provide the relative displacements for the ShapeArray in the corresponding axis (X and Y for vertical, or Z for horizontal). 


Figure 4: An example of the Displacement Barchart windows for a vertical ShapeArray in 3D mode

The Graph Options button gives you options to change some graph settings

  • Reference XYZ Text File - Allows you to select the reference XYZ text file being used 
  • Graph Type - Allows you to modify the type of graph shown: Barchart or Line Graph 
  • Show Grid Lines - Allows you to turn graph grid lines on or off 
  • Automatic Scaling - When un-checked the min and max fields become editable 
  • Vertical Axis Type - Allows you to choose the measurement displayed on the Y-axis: Distance from Reference or SAA Elevation 
  • Horizontal and Vertical mins and maxs - Allows you to manually scale the graph displayed
  • Reference Elevation: Allows an adjustment to the reference point's elevation for graphing purposes (this field only appears for vertical ShapeArrays when the Vertical Axis Type is set to SAA Elevation)
  • OK button - Saves and applies the configured graph settings

Figure 5: Configuring the graph options