Measurand's SAARecorder can run a series of diagnostic tests on a connected ShapeArray and generate a text report with the results. This is helpful for diagnosing the health of the ShapeArray and for troubleshooting any issues with the instrument.

WARNING: The SAAV Installation Verification diagnostic will change the power mode of a ShapeArray running in low power mode to regular power mode for the duration of the diagnostic. The dialog must be fully closed to return the ShapeArray back to low power mode. Do not disconnect the ShapeArray from the computer running SAARecorder while the diagnostics are being performed.

The following steps can only be taken after physically connecting the ShapeArray to the computer and completing the connection with SAARecorder as described in the following step-by-step guides:

In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the SAARecorder application is launched by clicking the Manual Data Collection button.

Figure 1: Launch SAARecorder from SAASuite by clicking the Manual Data Collection button

Step 1 - Open the Diagnostic Tests Window

From the Diagnostics menu, select the Diagnostics Tests option to open the Choose Diagnostic Test window.

Figure 2: Select the Diagnostics Tests option from the Diagnostics menu in SAARecorder

From the Choose Diagnostic Test window, click the Complete Diagnostic Check button.

Figure 3: SAARecorder's Choose Diagnostic Test window

Step 2 - Choose the Number of Samples for Each Test

You will be prompted to select the number of samples that will be taken for the Voltage / Current, Data Check, and Sensor Noise tests. Enter a numeric value in each of the fields or use the default values by clicking the Use Defaults button. It is recommended that at least 5 to 10 samples are selected for each of these test to provide a significant diagnostics data set for review.

Figure 4: Define the number of samples to be taken for the Voltage / Current and Data Check tests

Click the OK button to start the diagnostic tests. Multiple windows will open as SAARecorder runs each of the diagnostic tests.

Figure 5: Multiple windows will open and close as the diagnostic tests are executed

Step 3 - Review Results and Save Report

When the diagnostics tests are complete, a Diagnostic Test Results window will present a summary of the test results. You can select the Save text report file checkbox and provide a path and file name for saving a detailed report. The Browse button can be used to select the path and file name. Click the OK button to close this window and save the report. A plain text version and a PDF version of the report will be saved in the specified location. 

NOTE: When sending a complete diagnostics report to Measurand, please be sure to send the text (.TXT) report file as it contains more detailed information than the other files generated.

Figure 6: The results of the complete diagnostics are summarized once the tests are complete