Measurand ShapeArrays are typically installed vertically or horizontally to monitor deformation. They can, however, be installed in special configurations to monitor deformation in unique situations: 

  • Multiple horizontal ShapeArrays can be combined to form a Superset ShapeArray to monitor deformation over areas too large for a single ShapeArray.
  • The SAAV Extend can be extended in the field with sensorized segments added to the top of the instrument

To properly process raw data from ShapeArrays installed in these configurations, Measurand’s Raw2Data conversion software requires a site file. A site file is a plain text calibration file (.cal) containing settings to define these special installations.

Creating a Site File for a Superset ShapeArray

An example site file for superset ShapeArrays is included with Raw2Data. It is available in the following folder by default.

C:\Measurand Inc\Sample Data\Raw2Data\site_file_examples

A site file for superset ShapeArrays must have the following sections and settings. Sections are enclosed in square brackets and each setting within each section appears on its own line followed by a colon and the value for the setting.


The [cr_sernum] section contains only a single setting, cr_sernum. This setting defines the serial number for the Campbell Scientific CR series data logger being used to record the ShapeArray’s raw data. Although this section must appear in the site file, a value does not need to be specified for the cr_sernum setting.


The [super_saa] section contains only a single setting, num. This setting defines the number of superset ShapeArrays being monitored in the project. The num field is set with an integer value.


A site file for superset ShapeArrays will have a [super_saa_##] section for each superset ShapeArray in the project. There should be a number of [super_saa_##] sections equal to the value set for the num field in the [super_saa] section. The [super_saa_##] section has a single setting, num, that defines the number ShapeArrays that make up the superset ShapeArray. The [super_saa_##] section also has multiple [saa_##_##] sections within it as described below.


The ShapeArrays in a superset ShapeArray are incrementally numbered starting from 01. Each [super_saa_##] section will have one or more [saa_##_##] sections to define the overlapping segments of the ShapeArrays that make up the superset ShapeArray. For example, the [saa_02_03] section defines how ShapeArray 02 overlaps with ShapeArray 03. Each [saa_##_##] section will contain the following settings.

  • saa_sernums- This setting is the serial numbers for the overlapping ShapeArrays separated by a comma. These serial numbers must properly match the identifiers in the section header.     
    • For example, if the section header is [saa_02_03], then the first serial number must be the one for ShapeArray 02 and the second serial number must be for ShapeArray 03.
  • far_refs- This setting defines the reference ends of the overlapping ShapeArrays. Two values separated by a comma must be defined. A value of 0 defines the reference as the near (cable) end of the ShapeArray. A value of 1 defines the reference as the far (tip) end of the ShapeArray. The reference settings must properly match the identifiers in the section header. When setting the reference ends, the first ShapeArray's reference end should be the end that is not in an overlap zone. The reference end for all other ShapeArrays should be in the overlap zone nearest to the first ShapeArray.    
    • For example, if the section header is [saa_02_03], then the first reference setting must be the one for ShapeArray 02 and the second reference setting must be for ShapeArray 03.
  • total_extents- This setting defines the starting and ending segments for each ShapeArray defined in the overlap. Segments are incrementally numbered from 1 starting at the reference end. The starting and ending segment numbers for a single ShapeArray are separated by a comma. Ranges for each ShapeArray are separated with a semicolon. The ranges must properly match the identifiers in the section header.     
    • For example, if the section header is [saa_02_03], then the first range must be the one for ShapeArray 02 and the second range must be for ShapeArray 03. If both ShapeArrays each have 100 segments and none of the segments are turned off, the ranges would be defined as 1, 100; 1, 100.
  • overlaps- This setting defines the segments in each ShapeArray that are in the overlap region. Segment data is averaged from the two ShapeArrays in the overlap zone. Segments are incrementally numbered from 1 starting at the reference end. The numbers for each segment in each ShapeArray are separated by commas. Overlapping segments for each array are separated by a semicolon. The overlapping segments definitions must properly match the ShapeArray identifiers in the section header. If there is no overlap between the arrays, it is assumed that they are connected end to end. In this situation, use NaN, NaN; NaN, NaN instead of segment numbers.
    • For example, if the section header is [saa_02_03], then the first overlapping segment definition must be the one for ShapeArray 02 and the second overlapping segment definition must be for ShapeArray 03. If the two ShapeArrays each have 100 segments and the last two segments from one ShapeArray will overlap with the first two segments of the second ShapeArray, the overlap would be defined as 99, 100; 1, 2.

Superset ShapeArray Example

As an example, consider a superset ShapeArray composed of three short ShapeArrays each consisting of five segments as shown in Figure 1 below.

NOTE: This example is for illustration purposes only. The ShapeArrays presented are fictional and are not intended to match with existing ShapeArrays with the defined serial numbers.

Figure 1: A superset ShapeArray made up of three ShapeArrays composed of 5 segments each

The site file required for the superset ShapeArray shown in Figure 1 above would be as follows.


num: 1

num: 3

saa_sernums: 12345, 89012
far_refs: 0, 0
total_extents: 1, 5; 1, 5 
overlaps: 4, 5; 1, 2 

saa_sernums: 89012, 67890
far_refs: 0, 1
total_extents: 1, 5; 1, 5
overlaps: 5,5; 1,1

Creating a Site File for SAAV Extend

Ideally the site file for processing SAAV Extend data will be automatically created by the SAARecorder application; however, you can manually create the file with the following format.


The [cr_sernum] section contains only a single setting, cr_sernum. This setting defines the serial number for the Campbell Scientific CR series data logger being used to record the ShapeArray’s raw data. Although this section must appear in the site file, a value does not need to be specified for the cr_sernum setting.


For each SAAV Extend in the project, there should be a [lifted_saa_##] section. The [lifted_saa_##] section contains only a single field, saa_sernums. This field contains a comma-delimited list of the serial numbers of each extension added to the SAAV Extend as well as the base array's serial number. Serial numbers must be listed from left to right in the order of topmost extension first with base array's serial number always being last in the list. 

For example, the following site file defines an SAAV Extend array with two extensions added to the top. The top extension is serial number 370901, the middle extension is serial number 370903, and the base array is serial number 370905.



saa_sernums: 370901, 370903, 370905

Creating a Site File for Convergence Monitoring (Depracated)

NOTE: A site file is no longer required for processing data from ShapeArrays installed in an arc to monitor convergence. Convergence can now be selected as an option in the Installation column of the Settings page during a Reset conversion. A site file can still be used with Raw2Data to define a convergence monitoring installation for compatibility with existing older projects. The details about building a site file for convergence monitoring are included for legacy purposes only.

An example site file for convergence monitoring is included with SAACR_raw2data. It is available in the following folder by default:

C:\Measurand Inc\Sample Data\Raw2Data\site_file_examples

A site file for convergence monitoring must have the following sections and settings. Sections are enclosed in square brackets and settings within each section have a colon followed by the value for the setting.


The [cr_sernum] section contains only a single setting, cr_sernum. This setting defines the serial number for the Campbell Scientific CR series data logger being used to record the ShapeArray’s raw data. Although this section must appear in the site file, a value does not need to be specified for the cr_sernum setting.


The [section_saa] section contains only a single setting, num. This section defines the number of separate convergence ShapeArrays in the project. The num field is set with an integer value.


A site file for convergence monitoring will have a [section_saa_##] section for each convergence ShapeArray in the project. There should be a number of [section_saa_##] sections equal to the value set for the num field in the [section_saa] section. There is only one field in this section, serialnumber. The serialnumber field should specify the serial number of the ShapeArray installed to monitor convergence. If multiple [section_saa_##] sections are required, they should be placed in increasing numerical order starting from 01. The ShapeArrays specified in each [section_saa_##] section should appear in the same order specified in the logger program generated by SAACR_FileGenerator.

Convergence Monitoring Site File Example

A example site file to define two ShapeArrays with serial numbers 53484 and 53489 installed for convergence monitoring is as follows.

//Site file example for setting SAAF conversion mode to "convergence".


num: 2

serialnumber: 53484

serialnumber: 53489