Use the SAACR_DataChecker utility in SAASuite to verify the raw data files collected using a data logger are good. SAACR_DataChecker provides colour coded graphs of the ShapeArray (SAA) data over time.
Also, you can try converting the data using 'SAACR_raw2data' and then can try viewing the resultant “multi_saa_allcart.mat” file in 'ShapeArray™ Viewer (formerly known as SAAView)'.
To check that each segment of the ShapeArray has accurate sensor acceleration (tilt) readings, the total acceleration of the ShapeArray can be checked. The total acceleration is the vector sum of the accelerations measured by a ShapeArray segment, calculated as sqrt(AccX^2 + AccY^2 + AccZ^2). When looking at either unfiltered or filtered data (accessed by pressing the ‘ViewUnFiltered’ or ‘ViewFiltered’ button) you can see a graph of the total acceleration for each ShapeArray segment by clicking on the ‘View | Advanced | AccelTotal’ menu item. Each ShapeArray segment should have a total acceleration that is close to 1.0 G. For example, for ShapeArrays with serial numbers >= 66000, the total acceleration should be between 0.99 and 1.01 G for each segment.