If one or more ShapeArray (SAA) segments are damaged and not giving reliable data, it is often still possible to view data for the rest of the ShapeArray by "slaving" the damaged segments. More information how to do this is available in the Raw2Data manual in the 'Configure Conversion Settings' section.
When a segment is slaved, Raw2Data will ignore any raw values recorded in the raw data file for that segment and instead uses the raw values for the adjacent un-slaved segment that is closest to the reference end. This is effectively assuming that the slaved segment has the exact same tilt and is moving in the exact same way as the adjacent working segment. If you look at it another way, slaving a segment effectively assumes that the adjacent working segment is twice as long.
Because of this assumption, there are risks to slaving segments. The assumptions described above may not be safe depending on how much deformation the slaved segment has seen over the course of monitoring. For example, if the segment to be slaved is in an active movement zone, we would never recommend slaving it as it is very unlikely that the slaved segment and the adjacent segment are moving in the exact same way.
To slave a segment, it will be necessary to reconvert all the historical raw data readings using a RESET conversion with Raw2Data and the slaved settings will be applied to all readings in the data set. If you wish to slave a segment with the SAARecorder application, please refer to the Straightening Segments article.