The Raw2Data application takes raw data files from a data logger and converts them into Cartesian data files that can be viewed in the Measurand ShapeArray™ Viewer or exported to other applications.
Step 1 - Download and Install Required Software
Review the SAASuite manual and installation guide.
Step 2 - Start Raw2Data
In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the Raw2Data application is launched by clicking the Data Conversion button.
Figure 1: Raw2Data is launched by clicking the Data Conversion button
In the Raw2Data start dialog, click the appropriate button to continue.
- Run Last - This will perform a new conversion on the last project converted with Raw2Data without prompting for any user intervention or configuration.
- Auto - Use Auto only after an initial conversion using Reset. You will only be prompted to select the project. The application will run without interruption based on previously configured settings.
- Reset - Use Resetfor initial setup and troubleshooting. This option enables file selection and configuration of settings.
- If your ShapeArray has magnetometers, you must use Reset the first time you convert magnetometer data and select what magnetometer data you wish to use for correction purposes
- You should also use the Reset button immediately after selecting magnetometer data, then you can use the OK button to only process newly acquired data
- Quit - Close Raw2Data
- For more information on these buttons and when to use them review the Conversions With Raw2Data section of the Raw2Data manual.
Figure 2: The start dialog in SAACR_raw2data
Step 3 - Select Project Files
NOTE: Measurand recommend storing your data logger project files in the following default location: C:\Measurand Inc\SAA3D\Logger Files
Figure 3: Selecting data logger project files
Step 4 - Optional, Select a Site File
If required, click the Browse button next to the Site File field near the bottom of window, as shown in the figure above. Select your site file, and click the Open button.
NOTE: Site files are only required if you have Superset ShapeArrays or SAAV Extends in the project. Convergence can now be selected as an installation option directly from the Settings tab during a Reset conversion. Measurand recommends storing your site files in the project folder with the raw data files collected from the logger. You can find example site files that can be modified for your projects in the following folder: C:\Measurand Inc\Sample Data\Raw2Data\site_file_examples
To read more about Site Files or how to make them, go to the Site Files section in the Raw2Data manual.
Step 5 - Continue and Configure Settings
Once you have your project files and site file (if required) selected, click the OK button near the bottom, right corner of the window, as shown in Figure 3 above.
NOTE: If your calibration files are missing, it most likely the case that they were not downloaded and installed as required in step 1. Close Raw2Data and restart from step 1. Ensure the calibration files are downloaded and installed before moving on from step 1. If you still have a problem after restarting from step 1, please contact Measurand Support.
In the Settings window, configure appropriate settings for your ShapeArrays. The settings must match the physical state of the ShapeArray or the conversion will be incorrect! Detailed information on all these choices can be found in the Selecting Settings section of the Raw2Data manual.
- Installation- A dropdown box that defines the physical installation orientation of the ShapeArray: Horizontal, Vertical, Rail, or Convergence.
- When Vertical is selected, the ShapeArray is assumed to be vertically installed (within 60 degrees of vertical).
- When Horizontal or Rail is selected, the ShapeArray is assumed to be horizontally installed (within 30 degrees of horizontal). The Rail option applies special filtering to account for the sensor noise introduced into the measurements by nearby trains.
- When Convergence is selected, the ShapeArray is assumed to be installed in an arc to measure convergence
NOTE: If a site calibration file was specified for a ShapeArray installed for convergence monitoring, this column will display XZSect instead of providing a dropdown box.
- Ref=far - A checkbox indicating the which end of the ShapeArray will used as the reference end. One end of the ShapeArray will be treated as the origin point (0,0,0) in the resulting Cartesian output. This is known as the reference end. When selected, the reference end will be the far (eyebolt) end of the ShapeArray. When deselected, the near (cable) end of the ShapeArray will be used as the reference end.
- Az. deg - An offset angle for reorienting the axes of the ShapeArray data in the Cartesian output. By default, ShapeArray data will be oriented with the positive X-axis being in the direction of the physical X-mark on the ShapeArray and the positive Y-axis being 90 degrees counterclockwise from the positive X-axis. If another heading is desired, an offset angle can be entered to reorient the axes. Offset angles are measured from the desired direction to the physical X-mark on the ShapeArray in a clockwise direction with an X-mark protractor.
- Adjustments - Allows software adjustments to be applied to the ShapeArray data. Clicking the On/Off button allows specific adjustments to be selected. Please refer to the Configuring Software Adjustments section of the Raw2Data manual for more information.
- StartSeg - Allows segments at the near (cable) end of the ShapeArray to be excluded from the converted data output. Sensorized segments are numbered starting at one from the near (cable) end. Entering a value greater than one in this field will cause all lower numbered segments to be excluded from the converted data output.
- EndSeg - Allows segments at the far (eyebolt) end of the ShapeArray to be excluded from the converted data output. Sensorized segments are numbered starting at one from the near (cable) end. Entering a value less than the last sensorized segment number in this field will cause all higher numbered segments to be excluded from the converted data output.
- SlaveSegments - A listing of slaved segments. Slaved segments will use the tilt of the adjacent segment closest to the reference end instead of their own measured tilt in conversion calculations. To select segments to be slaved, click on the Edit Slaved button, select the appropriate checkboxes, and click the close button.

Figure 4: Configure settings for converting the data
Step 6 - Configure the Export Format
Click the Export Format button, as shown in Figure 4 above, to configure the export format. For details on the format choices, see the Data Types and the DIY Output sections in the Raw2Data manual.
WARNING: Do not use Legacy Formats unless directed to do so by Measurand. These formats are no longer supported. For details on the Legacy Formats, see the Legacy Formats section in the Raw2Data manual.
Figure 5: Configuring Export Formats
Select any number of data types you want to export. The more data types you include in the export, the larger the export files. For more details on each format and data type go to Data Types section in theRaw2Data manual.
NOTE: Ensure that the Use a Legacy Format checkbox is cleared.
Figure 6: Selecting data types for export
Choose the export file format of the data. For more details on each format go to DIY Output section in the Raw2data manual. For example, by default, the export will use the following settings:
- ASCII *.DAT File - ASCII format text file
- Metric Units - Metric units, with lateral deflections given in millimetres, axial position along the ShapeArray in metres, and temperature readings (if selected) in Celsius
- allXallYallZ - Columns will be arranged with all X data, followed by all Y data, then all Z data
- All Data - All data will be kept in a single data file. Every time data is converted, the new data will be appended to the existing export data file
Figure 7: Selecting export file format settings
The following export file format settings are not as commonly used, but may be required by certain programs. Ensure you contact the software manufacturer to determine what data format they are expecting when importing into their software (e.g. Use a Header is mandatory when exporting to VDV). For more details on each format go to DIY Output section in the SAACR_raw2data manual.
- Chunk the Files
- Seglength/Ref=Far
- Use a Header (Mandatory for VDV)
If you are exporting data for VDV or GTilt, it is possible to use a predefined template to automatically select the correct data and data format. Click on the Use Template checkbox, as shown in Figure 9 below. Select a template from the dropdown list, as shown in Figure 9 below. It is still possible to make changes to the export format selections, but it is recommended that this be limited to selecting the Units, unless you are familiar with Raw2Data.
Figure 8: Confirming the selection of a predefined template
Figure 9: Selecting a predefined template
Step 7 - Optional, Configure Email Notifications
Figure 10: Configure email settings to receive notifications of issues while processing with Raw2Data
- SMTP Server Settings
- Server : The address of the mail server that will send the email notifications
- Port: The port number to be used for connecting to the mail server
- Username: The username to be used for signing into the mail server
- Password: The password to be used for signing into the mail server
- Use SSL checkbox: Enable SSL to be used for communicating with the mail server
- Test button: Send a test email with the currently configured email settings
- Reply-To-Address: The email to display as the sending address for the email notifications
- Recipients
- Left text box: A text box for entering a recipient's email address.
- Right text box: A list of the currently set recipients for email notifications.
- Right Arrow button: Add the email address entered in the left text box to the list in the right text box
- Left Arrow button: Remove the currently selected email address from the right text box
- Notification Types
- This section provides check boxes for enabling the different types of email notifications that can be sent
- If multiple notifications trigger at once, only a single email will be sent enumerating all issues
- There are typically two email notification types that can be selected
- Processing Errors: Send an email notification the the exit code from Raw2Data when an error condition is detected. This corresponds to any exit code except 0 or 1.
- Power Issues: Send an email notification if the logger diagnostics file has listed low voltage for any new readings
- Cancel button: Closes the window and discards any changes to the configured settings
- Save button: Closes the window and keeps the configured settings
Step 8 - Optional, Configure Magnetometer Settings
If your ShapeArray has magnetometers, the Settings window shown in Figure 4 above will have a Magnetometer button to configure magnetometer settings. This button will only appear if magnetometers are present. If magnetometers are present and you do not click this button to configure them, the Magtool will launch automatically on the first conversion of the data. For more information on using the Magtool to configure magnetometer settings, please refer to the Magtool guide.
Figure 11: The Magtool for configuring magnetometers
Once all your settings and formats are selected, click the OK button, as shown in Figure 4 above, to begin converting the data. If this is the first time conversion has occurred on raw data that includes magnetometers, Raw2Data will prompt you to reconvert the data after you configure the magnetometers. Click the Yes button, as shown in Figure 11 below, to continue.
Figure 12: Reconvert the data after magnetometer setup
NOTE: Step 8 will be skipped when working with data from a ShapeArray with magnetometers. In this case, the program will close without prompting. The program has not crashed, and the converted data will appear in the DIY folder in the project folder.
Step 9 - Complete Conversion and View Data
Once the conversion is complete, a dialog will be presented with the path to the converted files. Click the OK button to continue.
Figure 13: The path to the converted files
You can now view the data with Measurand's SAAView application as described in the Using SAAView to Visualize ShapeArray Data guide or use the exported DIY data to generate your own visualizations.