The structure for ShapeArray raw data files varies based on the data logger used to collect the raw data from the instrument. Raw data readings from a ShapeArray typically consist of a variety of diagnostics values from the instrument as well as raw sensor readings from the X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, and temperature sensors within each segment of the array.

In Campbell Scientific raw data files, the diagnostics and sensor readings are split into multiple separate comma-delimited plaintext .DAT files. The formatting and structure of the raw data files from Campbell Scientific data loggers is discussed in great detail in the Data Logger Project Files for ShapeArray article from our Support website. 

Small wireless data loggers combine the diagnostics and sensor readings into a single comma-delimited plaintext .DAT file. The structure of this file is consistent for the following supported data loggers:

  • Ackcio BEAM-DG
  • RST Affinity
  • Worldsensing LS-G6-DIG-2

The fields within these files are delimited by commas and records are delimited by a carriage return. 

Line 1 in the file is a header. The contents of this header line vary from each logger manufacturer but will typically contain the type of the data logger and its serial number. Consult with the logger's manufacturer for detailed information about what is included in the header line for each of these loggers.

Line 2 lists the names of the columns from the data logger’s data table. 

  • TIMESTAMP - The date and time the sample was collected. (e.g "2018-04-24 21:00:00").
  • RECORD - A record number starting typically starting from zero and incrementing by 1 for each record.
  • AIA - The averaging level set for the array. This is the number of sample readings that will be taken and averaged together to produce a single recorded sample value. For ShapeArrays running in low power mode, this value will be set to 128. For ShapeArrays running in regular power mode on Ackcio or Worldsensing loggers, this value should be 200 or 1000.
  • SERIAL_NUMS - The serial number of the ShapeArray.
  • SAA1_LP_MODE - Low Power mode indicator: 0 indicates regular power mode and 1 indicates low power mode operation of the instrument.
  • LOGGER_DIAGNOSTICS_INDICATOR - The logger diagnostics column placeholder (should always be "L").
  • LOGGER_VOLTAGE - The logger's voltage as read by the logger.
  • SAA_DIAGNOSTICS_INDICATOR - The ShapeArray Diagnostics column placeholder (should always be "T").
  • SAA1_TOP_VOLTAGE - Voltage as read by the topmost segment of the ShapeArray (SAATop).
  • SAA1_TOP_CURRENT - Current as read by the topmost segment of the ShapeArray (SAATop).
  • SAA1_TOP_TEMPERATURE - Temperature as read by the topmost segment of the ShapeArray (SAATop).
  • SAA_ERRORS_INDICATOR - The ShapeArray communications error column placeholder (should always be "E").
  • NUM_COM_ERRORS - A value meant to indicate the number of communication errors during the recording of data. This field is not implemented consistently across the various logger manufacturers. Each logger manufacturer should be consulted directly for details on what the values in this field represent from their loggers.
  • NUM_CRC_ERRORS - A value meant to indicate  the number of sensors that experienced a CRC check failure during the recording of data. This field is not implemented consistently across the various logger manufacturers. Each logger manufacturer should be consulted directly for details on what the values in this field represent from their loggers.
  • SAA_DATA_INDICATOR - The ShapeArray data column placeholder (should always be "D").
  • SAA1_ACC_VALUES(#,#)- Raw sensor value measured by a ShapeArray segment's X-, Y-, or Z-axis sensor. There will be multiple copies of this field with changing index (#, #) values. The index values (#, #) values represent the segment identifier (counting from 1 at the cable end of the instrument) and sensor identifier respectively (X-axis is 1, Y-axis is 2, and Z-axis is 3.
    • In some cases, the last segment of ShapeArray data will have 24 sensor fields: (#,1) through (#, 24). These fields are to accomodate the X-, Y-, and Z-axis raw sensor readings as well as readings from an equipped magnetometer.
  • SAA1_TEMP_VALUES (#) - Raw sensor value measured by a ShapeArray segment's temperature sensor. There will be multiple copies of this field with changing index (#) values. The index values (#) value represents the segment identifier (counting from 1 at the cable end of the instrument).

Lines 3+ will be recorded data values. A separate record is created each time the logger records a sample from the ShapeArray.