Raw ShapeArray data can be exported from the sensemetrics platform for conversion with Measurand's Raw2data software and visualization with Measurand's ShapeArray™ Viewer software (formerly known as SAAView) . When troubleshooting issues with ShapeArrays, exporting the raw data to send to Measurand Support is often a good first step.

Step 1 - Log Into sensemetrics and Navigate to the Data - Tables Section

Log into the sensemetrics web site. Click on the Data section and then the Tables section.

Figure 1: After login, select Data and then Tables

Step 2 - Select the Template and the Device

In the Template dropdown list, select the Measurand ShapeArray pre-defined template (1 in the figure below).

Figure 2: From the Template dropdown, select Measurand ShapeArray, then click the Select button

After you have selected the Measurand ShapeArray template, click the Select button in the Device Selected section (2 in the figure above).  From the list of Available Devices, select the ShapeArray for which you wish to export raw data and ensure it appears in the Selected Devices list. Click the Done button to save your selection.

Figure 3: Select your ShapeArray and click the Done button

Step 3 - Load and Select All Available Readings

In the section immediately below the Device Selected section, click on the date range dropdown and click on the Max Available Range button.

Figure 4: Select the Max Available Range of recorded data

Step 4 - Export the Data with the DAT button

With all of the readings selected, click on the DAT button in the Export Data for 1 Device section on the left side of the page.

Figure 5: Click the DAT button to export the raw data

As the data is prepared for export a message indicating the progress will be displayed (Exporting sensor # of # (metric # of 4)). Once the export is complete, you will be prompted to save a Zip archive containing the data.

Figure 6: When the export is complete, you will be prompted for a file name and location to save it

Step 5 - Extract the Data File in the Zip Archive and Work with Measurand Software

Once the Zip archive has been saved, a raw data file with a .dat extension can be extracted from it. This raw data file is formatted for use with Measurand's SAASuite software. The raw data can be converted to Cartesian engineering units with Raw2Data and then visualized for analysis with ShapeArray™ Viewer.